Podcast series about the challenges of being an early career academic in the modern world, with colleagues who’ve been there, and those who are just now figuring it all out. First podcast directly discusses issues of EDI and existing within the white space of academia.
Resources required:
- Technical skills.
- Resource: time.
- Engagement.
Available evidence of impact:
- Increased retention rates amongst staff.
- Career progression.
- Increased sense of belonging and networks with staff/researchers.
Links to available resources:
- Diversity and inclusivity in academia: What does it really mean? | Academia et al: S01E01 | IOE – Faculty of Education and Society – UCL – University College London
- Academia et al. | IOE – Faculty of Education and Society – UCL – University College London
Implementation and potential challenges:
- Institutions can replicate or adapt according to local interests/academics.
How to Use:
- Distribute amongst doctoral students.
- Share with early career academics to encourage discussion around the topics of race in academia.