The Centre for Social Justice and Global Responsibility funded this workshop, which involves participants bringing along an object of significance to discuss, reading two readings, and bringing in examples of assessments. Three sessions are titled: ‘The Relationship Between Our Identities and Our Work’; ‘Reflecting on Critical Pedagogical Modes Within (and Beyond) the Limits of Our Institutions, Identities and Imaginations’; ‘Our curriculum as Microcosms of Global Knowledge-making Politics’.
Resources required:
- Funding to run the workshop.
- Look at critical pedagogy theories and expertise within own institutions.
Available evidence of impact:
- Feedback from students.
- Attendance or engagement at workshops.
Links to available resources:
- LSBU Race, Culture and Identity Module Guide
- Shaminder can put anyone interested in touch with the facilitators of the workshop.
Implementation and potential challenges:
- Engagement/commitment.
- Support from colleagues and seniors at University level.
- Funding for consultancy.
How to Use:
- Apply theories of critical pedagogy to your teaching and research.
- Secure funding to run workshops that encourage discussion around critical pedagogy and decolonial thought.